We believe that most people prefer to be home in a comfortable environment when they are ill; this is especially true for children. We also believe that it is irresponsible, and sometimes dangerous, to knowingly expose others to an illness. For these reasons, we ask that no sick children attend Giggle and Grow Child Care.
Symptoms that would exclude a child from care include:
- Fever of more than 100 degrees
- Unexplained Rash or Sore
- Discharge from eyes, ears or nose
- Vomiting or Diarrhea
- Productive cough or dry cough lasting more than 1 week without doctor attention
- Any illness or injury that keeps a child from participating in regular activity
Should your child develop any of these symptoms while in our care, he or she will be isolated and a parent will be contacted and required to pick him or her up immediately. Children must be symptom free for at least 24 hours before returning to Giggle and Grow.