Preschool teachers play an important role in your child’s development. And whether you’re sending your little one to preschool for the first time or you’re sending your third, there are some things teachers know that could help you and your kid have a great year. So here are six things preschool teachers want parents to know!
Being Prepared is Everything
We don’t just mean preparing yourself, but preparing your little one as well! Children often have an easier time adjusting to preschool when their parents talk to them about what to expect. Prepping them that they’ll be away from home for a good bit of the day but they’ll have fun and a loved one will pick them up later can go a long way in easing some nerves. Answering any questions they have can also help to ease anxieties.
Say Goodbyes Quickly
We know goodbyes can be hard, but making them short and sweet really is best for everyone. If you’re worried about dropping them off, they may pick up on your anxieties and start worrying more themselves. And when parents hover or come back again and again for one more hug, kids often become more upset, not less.
As difficult as it can be sometimes, it’s important to be confident and positive during their drop-off. Give them a hug, a kiss, and your parting words of choice, and then leave. If your child cries, it’s okay. They likely won’t be the only cry at drop-off. But you should trust that the preschool teachers will know what to do and care appropriately for your child when they are feeling sad. If you want to read more about how to make preschool drop-off a positive experience, read our blog post about it.
Try Not to Compare
It’s important that you try not to compare your kid to their classmates. Each child has different strengths and weaknesses, and at this stage, they are still learning and developing. While one kid may be coloring within the lines and doing crafts as instructed, they may also be having trouble managing emotions while your child handles conflict and transitions like a pro.
All children develop on their own schedule, and they’re all unique. Instead of comparing what they’re doing with others, focus on the strengths your child has and their potential. If you suspect your child may have learning issues, talk to your preschool teacher.
Keep Your Sick Kid at Home
We know having a sick kiddo is stressful and can put a wrench in your day if you have work, but please don’t send your sick kid to school. Bringing your sick child in doesn’t make them feel better, and often times it makes them worse. They need you and usually will only want Mom or Dad to help take care of them when they’re sick. Not to mention they don’t need to pass around germs to their friends and to us.
If your kiddo is feeling sick, keep them at home until they are feeling better. And trust us, we can’t be fooled by Tylenol. We’ll call you when it wears off anyways!
We’re Here for You Too
Preschool teachers are here to teach your child colors, letter, numbers, how to share, take turns, and negotiate. But we’re also here for you too. We are part of your team in helping your child grow and learn. So if you need advice, don’t be afraid to ask us. Parenting is hard, and we are around kids every day and have a few tricks up our sleeves. If you need a way to transition activities that work for your kid, or a song that helps with bathroom time, we can give you ideas to use at home.
You’re Doing a Great Job
Even though we might have discussions about your child’s behavior or work with you to try and redirect a behavior, we are still impressed by you as a parent. You are the most significant role model for your child, and you’re doing an incredible job. Parenting is not easy, and sending your kiddo to preschool can be hard, but you’re doing great. Keep up the good work!
At Giggle and Grow in Gilbert, Arizona, our preschool teachers are ready to provide the support, love, and guidance your child deserves.
Let Us Be There for Your Child
At the end of the day, preschool teachers are here to care for your child, help them grow, and keep them safe. And at Giggle and Grow in Gilbert, Arizona, our preschool teachers are ready to provide the support, love, and guidance your child deserves. We strive to make a positive difference in the life of every child by partnering with parents to provide an environment that is safe, nurturing, educational, and individualized. Let us help your child learn, play, and grow.